-- You don't know what you do to me. You have no clue. You don't know what it's like to be me, looking at you
--It's You. you mean everything to me... you are the first thought in the morning when i wake up, my last thought before i go to bed, you smile at me in my dreams, when you're sad, i feel sad. and when i see your true smile, i feel incredible.
-- i believe in love, and lust, sex and romance. I don't want everything to add up to some perfect equation. I want mess and chaos. I want someone to go crazy out of his mind for me. I want to feel passion, and heat, and sweat, and madness. I want valentine's and cupids and all the rest of that crap. I want it all.
-- ask my friends, anyone will tell you. when you come up in any conversation, no matter what it's nature, my eyes sparkle, and my smile shines
-- you've got the arms i want around me, the eyes i want to loose myself in, and the voice i could listen to forever.
-- if you are asking if i need you, then the answer is forever. If you are asking if i'll leave you, the answer is never. If you are asking what i value, the answer is you. If you are asking if i love you, the answer is i do.
-- I love you. I love every little thing about you. your sexy smile, the sound of your voice, the magic in your eyes. i love your gentle touch and the warmth i feel at your side. I love dreaming about you. I love discovering you and letting go with you. I love each and every once in a lifetime moment i share with you... today, tomorrow, forever....
Love you yesterday. Love you still. Always have. Always will
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