-- good girls blush during naughty scenes in the movies... bad girls smile beacuse we know we can do better
-- arms are for hugging, boys are for kissing, sluts are for dissing, BFF is for when the boy is kissing the slut and all you need is a hug.
-- you see that round and yellow thing in the sky? yeah, that's called the sun. it's the center of the univers.. not you, bitch!
-- you're only bad if you're caught. so that makes me a good girl, right?
-- you never know what you have...... until you clean your room
-- forgiving someone for a mistake, then rethinking about what they did and getting mad all over again.
-- doing that " " dance while getting into skinny jeans.
-- dear yahoo, i've never heard someone say "i dunno, let's Yahoo it". just saying. sincerely, Google.
-- ever tried. ever failed. no matter. try again. fail again. fail better.
-- seeing a spider, isn't a problem. it becomes a problem when it disappears.
-- i'm the type of person, that laughs at people's mistakes. so pardon me if i laugh at your face.
-- you know it's going to be a great story when it starts off with, "So this bitch...."
-- when i turn 18 i wanna tell my parents about stuff i got away with because it's too late to punish me.
-- love is when you pick the food off your plate because you don't like it and you put it on his place and he eats it anyway
-- if your not supposed to get in a car with strangers then why do people get in taxis?
-- i don't break the rules.. i just test their elasticity.
-- my favorite text message: "i'll be there in 5 minutes. if not, read this again.
-- dear two-faced person, i can't to decide which face of your's to slap first.
--dear radio, is it necessary for you to play a song i like when i arrive at my destination?
--i can tell which person in my family is coming up/down the stairs by the sound of their footsteps.
-- blowing of homework over the weekend is fun... until it's sunday.
-- when your ex says "you'll never find someone like me" you're supposed to turn around and say "i sure hope not!"
-- "can i copy your homework?" "yeah, but the answers are probably all wrong." "i don't care, thanks!"
-- thank you music, for being there when no one else was.
-- i saw the "typing" icon for like 5 minutes on chat. you said "ok".... what the hell?
-- a slut is like an elevator; a lot of people go in and out, up and down, and when she isn't open, something's definitely wrong.
-- taking a shower at someones house and getting completly undressed then being like "how the hell do you turn this thing on?"
-- running like a ninha when your laptop/phone displays 5% battery.
-- "No! No!! No!!! cancel cancel!!! no NO!!" sent. SHIT!
-- wathcing a horror movie... 2 hours later... dude, walk me to the bathroom...
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